How to Make a Glass-on Center Fin
How to Make a Glass-on Center Fin Fiberglass Glass-on Centerfins are hard to find. You can convert any Longboard Single fin that is made for a fin box by simply cutting off the box tab with a hacksaw.
How to Make a Glass-on Center Fin Fiberglass Glass-on Centerfins are hard to find. You can convert any Longboard Single fin that is made for a fin box by simply cutting off the box tab with a hacksaw.
How to build surfboard glassing stands cheap! All you need is an 8' long piece of 2x4 lumber, short lenghts of scrap wood, (2) 5 gallon buckets and a bag of play sand or concrete mix.
What Materials Do You Need to Make a Surfboard? 1. Surfboard Foam Blank 2. Fiberglass Cloth 3. Surfboard Resin 4. Surfboard Fin Boxes 5. Surfboard Leash Plug 6. Art and Graphic Supplies
How to make a Surfboard Shaping Rack All you need is (5) 2 x 4's from Home Depot and a box a screws. Surfboard Shaping Rack Pads are sold HERE.
How to do a tinted or pigmented deck inlay or fabric inlay with a cut lap.
It looks like glassing your boards with epoxy resin has become the more popular choice over polyester resin based on our records this year. Years ago we had plenty of experienced poly guys come into the shop stating they’ll never...
Post Curing Epoxy Resin for Greater Strength By post curing your board with heat, epoxy cross link density improves significantly so that your modulus and elongation both go up - making your glass job more resistant to dings and breaks....