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Crafting a Decorative Surfboard: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting a Decorative Surfboard: A Step-by-Step Guide

Surfboards are not just for riding waves—they can also make stunning pieces of art for your home, office, or even as a personalized gift. Crafting a decorative surfboard combines the skills of sculpting, fiberglassing, and painting. This guide will walk you through the process, ensuring that your decorative surfboard is a beautiful, eye-catching piece.

Check out our Masterclass Video Series to learn every step to creating beautiful and functional surfboards whether it's a display piece or your very own to ride!

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Materials and Tools You Will Need:

  1. Materials:

    • Foam blank (polyurethane or polystyrene)
    • Fiberglass cloth (4 oz)
    • Epoxy or polyester resin
    • Sandpaper (80, 150, 220 grit)
    • Acrylic paint or spray paint
    • Masking tape
  2. Tools:

    • Shaping tools 
    • Sanding block with sandpaper
    • Paintbrushes
    • Measuring tape or ruler
    • Gloves and respirator (for safety)

Step 1: Design and Plan

Start by deciding on the size and shape of your decorative surfboard. Traditional surfboards come in various shapes like longboards, shortboards, fish, and funboards. For a decorative piece, you might prefer a more exaggerated or artistic design. Sketch your design on paper, including any specific features or decorations you plan to add.

Step 2: Shaping the Foam Blank

  1. Outline the Shape:

    • Place your foam blank on a flat surface.
    • Draw the outline of your surfboard shape directly onto the foam using a pencil or marker.
  2. Cutting the Outline:

    • Use a hand saw to cut out the outline of your surfboard. Take your time to ensure smooth, clean cuts.
  3. Refining the Shape:

    • Use shaping tools like a G-rasp and shaping block to refine the edges and contours of the surfboard.
    • Sand the surface to smooth out any imperfections and achieve the desired shape. Start with Tigershark sandpaper and gradually move to finer grits (150, 220).

Step 3: Painting and Decoration

Now comes the fun part—decorating your surfboard! This is where you can let your creativity shine.

  1. Prepare the Surface:

    • Wipe down the surfboard to remove any dust or debris.
    • Mask off any areas you want to keep unpainted using masking tape.
  2. Apply a Base Coat:

    • Apply a base coat of paint using acrylic paint or spray paint. This will be the background color of your design.
    • Allow the base coat to dry completely.
  3. Create Your Design:

    • Use paintbrushes to create your design. You can paint freehand or use stencils for more intricate patterns. DO NOT USE SPRAYPAINT ON EPS FOAM! It will melt the foam
    • Layer colors and allow each layer to dry before applying the next.
  4. Finishing Touches:

    • Add any final details or highlights to your design.
    • Once you're satisfied with your design, allow the paint to dry completely.

Step 4: Fiberglassing

Fiberglassing adds strength and a smooth finish to your surfboard. This step involves applying fiberglass cloth and resin.

  1. Prepare the Resin:

    • Mix your resin and hardener according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Wear gloves and a respirator to protect yourself from fumes and skin contact.
  2. Apply Fiberglass Cloth:

    • Lay the fiberglass cloth over the surfboard, ensuring it covers the entire surface.
    • Cut the cloth to size, allowing a few inches of excess around the edges.
  3. Apply the Resin:

    • Using a resin spreader, apply the mixed resin to the fiberglass cloth. Start from the center and work your way outwards to avoid air bubbles.
    • Ensure the cloth is fully saturated with resin but not dripping.
    • Allow the first layer to cure according to the resin manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Repeat for the Other Side:

    • Once the first side is cured, flip the board and repeat the process on the other side.
  5. Sanding the Fiberglass:

    • After both sides are fully cured, sand the entire surface with 220 grit sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots or drips.

Step 5: Finishing the Surfboard

To protect your artwork and give the surfboard a polished look, apply a finishing gloss or varnish.

  1. Apply the Seal Coat:

    • Using a clean brush, apply a coat of resin to the entire surface of the surfboard.
    • Allow the first coat to dry, then sand lightly with 220 grit sandpaper.
  2. Second Coat (if desired):

    • Apply a second coat of resin or varnish and allow it to dry completely.

Step 6: Displaying Your Surfboard

Once your surfboard is complete and the finish is dry, it's ready to be displayed.

  1. Mounting Options:

    • You can hang the surfboard on a wall using surfboard wall mounts or brackets.
    • Alternatively, display it on a stand if you prefer to place it on the floor or a piece of furniture.
  2. Location:

    • Choose a location that highlights the surfboard as a focal point. Consider the lighting and background to enhance the visual impact of your artwork.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Safety First: Always work in a well-ventilated area and wear protective gear, especially when working with resin and paints.
  • Patience is Key: Take your time with each step, especially shaping and sanding, to ensure a high-quality finish.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: If this is your first time working with these materials, consider practicing on a smaller piece of foam before starting your surfboard.
  • Inspiration: Look for inspiration online or in surf culture for design ideas. You can also incorporate elements that are meaningful to you personally.


Creating a decorative surfboard is a rewarding project that combines craftsmanship with artistic expression. Whether you're an experienced DIY enthusiast or a beginner looking for a new challenge, following these steps will help you create a stunning piece of decor. Enjoy the process and let your creativity flow as you craft a surfboard that is truly unique and personal. Happy crafting!

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