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NJ Company Disrupts the Traditional Surfboard

Manufacturing and Distribution Model

Manasquan, NJ - Greenlight Surf Supply, a New Jersey-based company, is disrupting the traditional surfboard manufacturing and purchasing model by empowering surfers to design and construct their own surfboards using high-quality materials and educational resources. Greenlight Surf Supply's innovative approach to manufacturing and commitment to sustainability have earned them a loyal following in the global surfing community.

Founder Brian Gagliana, a Mechanical Engineer and Product Designer, founded the company with a commitment to a DIY ethos. Greenlight Surf Supply specializes in producing high-quality foam, fiberglass, and resins that surfers use to create their own custom surfboards at home. In addition, the company designs and manufactures specialized tools that make the surfboard building process more efficient and accurate.

"Building your own surfboard costs less than half of purchasing one from a surf shop. By putting the design and construction process into the hands of surfers, we are giving them the power to choose the right materials and shape their boards to complement their surfing strengths and offset weaknesses," said Gagliana. "We want to empower surfers of all ages and abilities to create their own custom surfboards using the best materials and tools available."

Greenlight Surf Supply's website provides extensive educational resources and videos on how to design and construct a surfboard. The company also provides tips on choosing the right materials for each project. By educating surfers on how a surfboard works and how to design boards to surf better, the company is helping to create a global community of surfers who understand the sport and are passionate about it.

The quality and strength of a surfboard built with Greenlight Surf Supply's materials and methods are superior to those of big brand name surfboards found in surf shop racks. These mass-produced surfboards are often constructed with weaker materials and sub-par craftsmanship, leading to "disposable" surfboards that do not last long.

"We're not just a surfboard material manufacturer and supplier, we're a resource for surfers who want to take their love for the sport to the next level," said Gagliana. "Our commitment to a DIY ethos and our high-quality materials and tools have made us a valuable resource for anyone looking to take their surfing experience to the next level."

For more information on Greenlight Surf Supply and to start your own surfboard building project, visit their website at


Brian Gagliana, Founder

Greenlight Surf Supply

Phone: please email for phone number

