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Instructions for using Silmar UV Solar Cure Polyester Resin

With the Silmar UV Solar Cure resin make sure to shake the can every time before using to thoroughly mix the photo-catalyst into the resin. 

In a shaded area (no UV rays hitting the board) take as much time as you need to laminate the board. The put in the sun or under UV bulbs for about 3 minutes to cure. You can then sand your laps and continue laminating.

For hotcoats add surfacing wax to the UV Solar Cure resin (here's a chart for how much per oz). Hotcoat the board in a shaded area as normal and put in the sun for about 10 seconds. I keep the board in my hands and walk it outside then walk back in. This will "turn on" the resin cure but allow the surfacing wax to rise to the top so you can sand the hotcoat. Give it about 15 minutes in the shade and then bring it outside for another 3 minutes and good to go. 

UV Solar Cure resin does not work on finbox and leash plug installs because the UV rays don't get in there so add MEKP catalyst to the resin for a full cure.

It is optional to put a few drops of MEKP in the UV Solar Cure resin for every step of the glassing process so any resin that hits the floor or into drip trays will cureover time being out of the sun.

UV cure resin is inherently weaker than MEKP-cured resin because there is not as much time for the molecules to cross link but you can ride it as soon as the hotcoat is cured.