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The future of surfboard shaping is here

The future of surfboard shaping is here

The future of surfboard shaping is here. EPS / epoxy surfboard technology is where shapers are turning for higher performance and better value. Greenlight has been working with this advanced material for over a decade and now that Kelly Slater has converted (and invested in EPS/Epoxy with his Slater Design boards), surfers and shapers can adopt the technology with confidence. Slater engineered the perfect man-made wave. Who better to revolutionize surfboard construction?

Through years of research and development in conjunction with a large plastics company, Greenlight has engineered the only EPS foam designed specifically for surfboards. Greenlight Engineered EPS Blanks feature:

  •  Stronger and more consistent than all other EPS foams in the market
  •  Shapes by hand and machine with minimal bead tear-out
  •  Absorbs less resin when laminating

Possibly the best part of all is the price. Our new EPS beads are less expensive to manufacture so we pass along the savings to you! If you've shaped EPS blanks before, you know these blanks are great. If you haven't adapted to the future in surfboards yet, you're missing out on higher performance and wasting money on 60 year old polyurethane technology!

Greenlight Engineered EPS surfboard blanks foam comparison density and bead shape

Infinite possibilities in stringer glue-ups with Greenlight.

Surfboard Stringer custom glue-up East Coast Surfboards


Previous article What's included in the Greenlight Surfboard Shaping Starter Kits?